I have been working on the hush, hush dress from knitty for quite a while now. I figure that I have about 30 hours in it so far. It has been a side project, since it is for spring and I thought it would be cute with my skinny jeans when the snow eventually melts. Mr.sunneshine and I watched a movie this morning and I finished the decreases for the body and held it up ---AND THERE IS A HUGE STRIPE IN IT!! Being the pack rat that I am, I ran back and picked up the four cones of yarn that I had used already, ready to mia culpa for my mistake and throughly flog myself for not ready more carefully -- BUT ALL THE NUMBERS ON THE CONES ARE IDENTICAL!! I am not sure how I could not have seen the color difference, other then I usually knit it watching movies - the pattern is simple so I look at the tv more then the project. I could cry - this dress is 280 stitches to the round on a size two needle and I am 18" into the 20" body - soooo much time into this project, it is not my mistake, I don't understand. The yarn was ordered from Halcyon, and every number on the tags matches....yet there is still a giant stripe through my dress! I have written Halcyon, its their 3/2 pearl cotton yarn, but I don't know that they will do anything......anyone have any suggestions besides dying the d@mned thing black.....
update - thanks for all the kind words!! Unfortunately for me, the stripe hits - read accentuates my widest point, so just leaving it is not an option. I did receive a call from Halcyon today - I was unable to take the call. So when I talk to them tomorrow, I will let you know what they suggest....
It took me a minute to see the lighter stripe in the middle there. It's the yarn dyeing process that makes slight color variances. It's the same color, but different dye-lot. It happens.
In all honesty, with that much vested into this project...I would just leave it and call it a "design feature." It makes the dress unique in my opinion. I do understand the frustration...I would have had a fit too. There is also a point where I would throw my hands up and deal with it too. Being that far into it...I would just go with the flow.
I have been planning to make the hush-hush one of these days. It's knitted on unbelievabley small needles. LOL!
It looks white. Maybe some kind of bleach treatment?
Is it 100% cotton? If so, they have cotton dyes out on the market that you could use. I am unsure of what is involved in all that. But it is an option, upon completion.
It looks almost intentional. I'd like to see it on you to see where the color change falls -- but it almost looks like a waist stripe from here.
I bow down before you for having taken on this pattern! Discovering the color change in the midst probably would've sent me to the nuthouse.
What if you did some combo of bleaching it and then dying it another color (blue? green? yellow?) if the bleaching doesn't even it out.
It really does look like a design feature. I didn't even notice it at 1st, but it looks intentional. I'd likely wait to see how it falls when the skirt is finished. Then you can see if you like it or want to do a dying or bleaching option.
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