Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Good Pattern To Share...

Hi All, My first post here. I must admit I haven't been doing much knitting other than socks lately - quick and portable - hard to beat that :). In my quest for sock patterns, I came across, and bought this one yesterday. It seemed a no-brainer to share it with this group and my "Pirate" knitter friends. The pattern is from Heartstrings.

I've been enjoying seeing the projects being knit here - there's a punk camo skirt a few posts below that is fantastic. Hopefully, I'll have something interesting knitted to share with you soon.


Turtle said...

Those look cute! I lvoe making socks as well. been working on some fun summer projects though as well!

Zel, The Grimm Witch said...

I've never made socks...I'd love to try these