Wednesday, February 21, 2007


aka... my brothers dickie and this is how i wring his neck....

he's a mail carrier.. or a cliff claven... a postal kinda guy. and now that the really COLD weather has passed us, i finally finished his dickie... he actually ASKED for a dickie... and ya gotta laugh... because there's so many jokes, it's hard not to

i based it on a vintage pattern that i've got in this 40's book on "how to knit" BUT... not really... i mostly did my own thing w/it (their pattern was for a woman). i'll put the pattern up on my blog i used peace fleece and it's SOOO warm & wooly he's gonna love it (or hate it) haha... my instructions were WARM, DARK BLUE ALMOST BLACK he didnt care if it was soft cause it's really just to hold his face mask ON (which is apparently not long enough) i hope it works... it's the first thing i've made for my brother.

oh & i'm mailing it to him... heheh... it's all about the irony w/this knit! (and i'm kinda proud of it... and him)


Unknown said...

being a mailman must be a cold job. It's nice to have a family member who knits. LOL!

Mouse said...

Nice job on the dickie (*snickersnort*) - I always giggle every time I say "orifice" when referring to my spinning wheel.

sunneshine said...

Oh - that looks so good!! He is going to be the warmest mail carrier around ...that peace fleece is toasty!