Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hooray for Yarn!

Suzanne2Okay, I'm so in love with this yarn that I had to share. It's just so beautiful to me. Unfortunately, the colorway is discontinued. I can't make up my mind on what to do with it. Should I knit Monkey from Knitty? Or this pattern? Or maybe I should just sleep with it under my pillow....


Unknown said...

It's pretty yarn. I love the blue color. My opinion...make Knitty's Monkey. I like those socks better than the other ones. But this is just me. I would also sleep with the yarn too. I am weird.

bettyboopta2 said...

I would go with "Monkey" as well. Reason: if you have animals (particularly cats) they're going to be playing with all those little tuck stitches. Perhaps it's only my cats that like feet, but I know the youngest one would find those socks an irresistible temptation, lol.

pins&needles said...

Oh so lovely yarn! I agree. Monkey looks better. I hate it when pretty yarn is discontinued. When I find out, I go out and buy as much of the yarn as I can, go home and hug it until my roomie gives me weird looks. He's not a knitter, he doesn't understand.

sunneshine said...

I vote for monkey too! That yarn is gorgeous! I usually sit pretty yarns on the kitchen table, so I get to see them a lot before I wind them...Thanks for sharing!!

Stephieface said...

If only there was a way to breed yarn like the way you can breed junkmail on your kitchen table or paper by the computer.

You could, if desperate enough, take a length of teh yarn that covers the whole colorway pattern and try and get some made by someone who does custom coloring/dyeing (or do it yourself as a new and exciting obsession). While it won't be exactly the same as that skein.... you don't have to totally be without the colors you like so much.

I'm afraid to get attached to yarns like Im afraid to get attached to scents at Bath & Body Works... they always discontinue it just because its my favorite... I'm sure of it.